

Vasectomy is a common choice for many couples because it eliminates the need for other birth control methods.

Vasectomy is a common choice for many couples because it eliminates the need for other birth control methods, and is less invasive than female sterilization. The procedure is commonly performed in an office setting with a local anesthetic and involves making a small incision to access the vas deferens. After cutting and sealing the tubes, the incision may be sutured or left to heal on its own. Dr. Muncey typically uses a single entrance approach, accessing both tubes through one small hole in the scrotum. This allows an expedient recovery as well minimal post operative discomfort.

Recovery after a vasectomy is typically swift, with minor soreness and swelling that subsides within 24-48 hours. Patients should rest and restrict activities during this time and avoid strenuous activities until approved. Importantly, vasectomy has no impact on a man's sex drive, sexual functions, or testosterone levels.

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